Monday, March 9, 2020

Wear No Collar, Baby!

    The title is just a dumb joke. Collars are important.
    We talk about blue-collar and white-collar jobs.  That's not right. When I started to work in residential construction I noticed there were these big stacks of pretty heavy plywood that had to be moved from one place to another.  The guys with collars on their shirts were telling the guys in T-shirts where to hump that shit.  About two weeks and a couple hundred sheets of plywood into my eventual 35-year career, I went to Goodwill and bought a bunch of second-hand golf shirts for about 2 bucks apiece. You know, little alligators and such.  People quit telling me what to do.  Except for the fact I didn't know my ass from a hole in the ground that was pretty cool. I did have the brains to ask what to do and before long I progressed and I learned what to do with a minimum of lugging heavy stuff.  It's not a new idea.  It was called                   'dress for success'  but I don't think people realized it could be applied at that level.
    So, it's not blue-collar and white-collar.  It's golf shirts and T-shirts.  The Suits are in a world of their own.  I've been thanked several times by guys I gave that advice about golf shirts.
    Here's another piece of advice you'll thank me for.  About once a year or every two years you'll have to attend some function that requires an actual suit.  Go to Goodwill, blow 40 bucks and buy a decent one.  I call it the wedding, funeral, goin to court suit but there are Holiday get-togethers and such for any job and it's a good idea to clean up.  Who knows?  You might actually meet someone who expects you to attend church.  You should probably get stoned first but you should definitely dress up for church.
    About the title.  That's an out of context quote from " Twelve Dreams of  Doctor Sardonicus" by Spirit. You should listen to that every few days just to keep your mind right.