Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Burden of Taxation

    Who's paying the bills?  More of all of us are paying than you might think.  Let's look at it.
     The figures here come from the OMB and the CBO.  They are current for 2015.  That doesn't really matter, it doesn't change much no matter how you fiddle with the marginal tax rates. Thank God.
    It boils down to this: 46% of all federal revenue comes from income taxes.  In the end, the famous 1% provide about 24% of all federal revenue.  If they don't have enhanced access they certainly should.  However, 54% of all revenue comes from other sources. That's tariffs and excise taxes and fees.  It's interesting it took a Constitutional Amendment to make those not the only sources for federal revenue.  The Sixteenth Amendment.  That was the result of decades of debate, claim and counter court claim.  It's really kinda fascinating and not what I'm talking about.
    That 54%.  All federal and local taxes for that matter are eventually levies on individual residents. All corporate taxes, all tariffs and levies are paid by individuals going about their daily lives.  Do you rent an apartment rather than own a house?  You are still paying property taxes.  Several states don't just take note of that. They refund a portion to low-income individuals and have for decades.  You know it's only fair when even republicans think it's fair.  That's not a partisan 'knock'.  It's an observation.  I might get to the partisan knocks later.
    Here's a question: Are you a one pack a day cigarette smoker?  If so, you actually pay more state and federal taxes than a married individual with children who earns in excess of 100K a year.  You will certainly pay more in your lifetime than any amount your care might cost if you are unfortunate enough to fall ill from your habit.  That'll piss the kids off but it's true.  Smoke em if you got em.
    Do you enjoy a drink now and then or regularly?  If you live in Pennsylvania 51% of you liquor bill is taxes. Even a lousy glass of draft beer contains a myriad of micro taxes both federal and local. All of this contributes to and benefits the common weal.  Look that up. 'The Common Weal'. It's important.  Cheers and thanks.
    Just by living in a community an individual makes a major, lasting and important contribution to that community.  No matter who we happen to be, no matter the source of our income we are, perforce, contributing members of that community.  All of us deserve a say.  It's our money.  Our accidents of birth don't matter.  It's our money, hopefully properly directed at the common weal but our money in the end.  That means it's also their money in the end no matter who "they" happen to be and it should be spent with them in mind.
    In case you're too dense to get it this is an argument for so-called 'illegal' aliens.  These are our neighbors and with a little thought our friends.  It's also an argument for all of us.  You should be able to vote in, at least, local elections by showing a current utility bill.  You're there. You should have a say. It's your money. That's America!  Thanks for your contribution and I sincerely do mean that!

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