Thursday, June 28, 2018

What Have You Done?

    I believe in open borders.  I believe our country has been made great by the concept of open borders.  I know I'm right.  The evidence is all around us from sea to shining sea.
    I'm an American.  I don't admit of fear, nor apprehension or hesitation.  The majority of us are that way.
    Our founding documents do not say, "All Americans."  They do say "All men."  Some sort of citizenship is not a precondition to all of our inalienable rights.  But if you will insist, I have a question for you.
    Exactly what the fuck have any of you ever done to earn your "citizenship" except to be dumb shit lucky enough to be born here?  What deserts have you crossed, what rivers have you forded holding your children?  What uniformed authorities have you confronted?  Don't bother telling me about your military service.  Lately, we've been deporting not just veterans but disabled veterans.  I can't imagine what genius came up with that but there it is.  If that doesn't tell you the entire idea of exclusion is bullshit there's just no point in talking to you.  You can stop reading now.  This is too advanced for your brand of citizenship.
    Lately, I've been reading about what people go thru to appear at our southern border with their children or just by themselves.  I highly recommend that reading.  These people are not murderers or drug dealers or gang members.  Nor are they any member of some class infesting us in some racist wet dream.  To say that from the greatest pulpit in the country is shameful on an order that can't be adequately described.  It certainly can't be adequately condemned.
    The truth is, just one of these individuals, families, mothers or children is worth 10 of those who would pervert our national promise and values.
    So, exactly, what have you ever done?

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