Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Try Not To Do This

    This is what I've been trying to do with this public space.  If something in current events catches my eye, I try to relate it to the underlying principles involved rather than discuss the personalities involved and the daily wear politics.  I do that for a couple reasons.   First: My politics are too obscure and too extreme but my principles are about as mainstream as it gets.  Secondly: That kind of comment on current affairs involves a fair amount of prediction and I'm always wrong in the short term.
    On top of that, this kind of thing has the shelf life of a mayfly
    That being said; let's go.
    There are things involved with the Kavanagh hearings that need said and understood.  Because I worked alone for years I have listened to pretty much every major set of Congressional hearings for the last 30 years or so.  These particular hearings have been a near travesty.  Kavanaugh is a bald-faced liar.  I've never seen anything like it.  That's in addition to his record on the bench just being an outrage. The man has literally spit in the eye of anyone earning less than the one percent.  He, literally, has no appreciation of what being an average American is all about.  That leads to the real point.
    He worked for Ken Starr for 3 years and was the lead author of the Starr report which looked like a 50's porn novel written by a Sunday School teacher you wouldn't want around your kids.  It really kind of explains his behavior around women. The guy's a creep.

    He was an upper echelon participant in the GW Bush administration.  The truth is that group was engaged in criminality on a global scale. They ALL escaped prosecution because they had created such big problems we just couldn't afford that type of spectacle while trying to fix that mess.  That's why they have tried so desperately to hide the details of his participation.  Who the hell ever heard of the National Archives being blocked from releasing public information on the basis of party affiliation?
    The gentlemen's agreement was: They would be allowed to serve out their careers and retire in obscurity.  The first violation of that agreement was the appointment of the torturer Gina Haspel to head the CIA.  The second violation was the elevation of Bolton.  Those two could and would be credibly prosecuted at the Hague.  The latest outrage is trying to appoint this cipher to the Supreme Court.
    It's entirely possible Trump simply doesn't understand the concept of a gentlemen's agreement.  It's possible his advisors just chafe under the silent recognition of the criminality of the Bush people and themselves. It's possible a lot of these people don't understand the crimes they committed.  Who knows but this guy is totally unacceptable for those reasons and it's a damned shame this sleazy sexual abuse had to come to light.  It's just weird this is the only thing that gets republican's attention.

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