Saturday, July 6, 2019

Terms of Endearment

    That movie is coming on again, in just a few minutes.  I really like that movie.  I saw it, in the theater, when it came out.  I always sit down-front in theaters.  Not sure why.  I can see and hear fine.  I just do.
    I remember being embarrassed to get up to leave when that movie was over because I was bawling like a baby. So was my date and the 75 or so other people in the theater.  Buncha tough guys.
    I don't think, after 36 years, I'm givin much away.  You sit there for 2 hours or so and are thoroughly entertained.  It's funny, emotionally affecting, all that stuff but you do begin to wonder where they're going with this.  Then they show you exactly what they had in mind.
    Then, of course, the stand-ins for the cast of the "Road Warrior" leave in tears.  I don't plan to watch it again.
    Two years after my initial viewing,  I noticed "Terms of Endearment" was being shown on HBO.  I was living with a wonderful girl and my best friend was there.  The movie is just as good on a TV as it is in a theater.
    It was being shown about 3 in the afternoon.  We sat down to watch what I had assured them was a movie not to be missed.  They trusted my judgment and I think I even made popcorn. We settled in.        After about an hour and 3/4s,  I said, " Oh, I forgot, I have to meet a guy about a job. I've seen this before and it'll be on again."  I left.
     I went over to a local bar,  where I knew anything would be on the TV other than the end of that movie.  I had a beer and a little bullshit and looked at my watch and went home.
    " You son of a bitch!  You left on purpose.!"
    Yes, I did.
    My love to you, Aurora.

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