Friday, May 28, 2021

Aww, Bull

     Every day sees another article in the clueless media about how Trump is finally done.  These articles are the only thing that's kept this loser in the public eye for years. Donald Trump, thank God, never got started.

    Trump has never been anything or been seen as anything by the majority but a hapless clown. That sure makes the republicans mad when you point that out but when you look at it they haven't advanced anything but hapless clowns since Eisenhower and even he fell victim to the cabal of Sherman Adams and Nixon. (Gee, I guess they thought we forgot.)  Trump is just the most hapless in a growing line of abject failures.

    Here's the truth.  In 2016, if you count 3rd party votes, 12 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.  They managed to commit enough voter fraud in enough key places to turn the Electoral College into a sort of Special Olympics that awarded the White House as a sad participation trophy. The only thing Trump could do with it is steal.  Thievery is easy, especially with power.  Running the government is hard, especially if your only attainments in life are semi-sophisticated larceny. Trump sure proved that and he proved the majority could see right thru him. Not the kind of transparency you'd expect.

    The voter fraud that was committed by the republicans in 2016, was breathtaking. The nationwide scope of local republican apparatchiks abusing the voting machines was literally astonishing and it had been going on since 2004. The decision was made to quietly replace the abused machines, reform the voting methods and tolerate the truncated, ridiculous Trump attempt at presidency rather than see thousands of local republican officials troop off to prison.  The republicans were thrown a bone of Kremlin interference in the election which they were eager to embrace.  Everyone was amazed when it became apparent the Trump people actually had committed treason.  I was astounded when they tried to get away with it, caught red-handed, by belittling the people who caught them.  How the hell do you maintain unwarranted power by insulting people's intelligence?  It turns out a big part of that escape was by making outright stupidity fashionable. That's what guys like Limbaugh , Hannity,  Carlson and the host of blowhards on rathole radio have been up to for thirty years. Lucky for us that shit doesn't hold-up well even if the Russians did pump, at least, 30 million into the effort thru the NRA which they did.  Who knows how much more cash was laundered into the republican party thru guys like Flynn and Manafort and Trump himself. There's no doubt we've been subjected to a Kremlin driven psy/ops campaign for years which the Sedition Caucus is a demonstrable part of. Bought and paid for in plain sight. An honest republican is one when he's bought he stays bought.

    Let's talk about 2020. If you do simple math, apparently, the electorate grew by 26 million souls.  I'd love to see the demographics that support that. The guy that lost by 12 million votes 4 years earlier, lost by 7 million votes in a head to head contest. That seems wildly improbable when you consider Trump didn't lift one finger to secure so much as one additional supporter.  I'm pretty certain the answer to my questions would be found in scrutinizing the Red State votes as closely as the swing states have been examined.  I think Barr gave away the game when he told Trump there had been fraud but not enough to make him president. That's another thing.  How the hell did Barr become Attorney General at right about the time he should have been getting out of prison for the shit he pulled in '91 and '92?  Incredible.

    Barr further gave the game away when he resigned a month short of the inauguration. He went to Trump, determined Trump was going ahead with the coup attempt and refused to be a part of it.  I assume Barr figured trying to get away with treason twice would be pushing his luck even 30 years apart. Barr also made it plain he knew Trump's idiot attempt wouldn't work.  By this time even the slow ones in the back saw that Trump was in well over his head and destined to drown. Now, we're just watching his hapless ass go down for the third time and he's taking what's left of republican power with him.

    In case there's any doubt left, this is what I think.

    In other countries, supporters of failed coups are summarily executed, quietly murdered or simply disappear. It's rare they only face long prison sentences. Barr seems to have figured that out and Trump is obviously terrified.  He should be.

    Al Qaeda was not given a seat on the 9/11 Commission. It's hard to see why the Sedition Caucus should be invited to the 1/6/2021 Coup Commission.

    Karma grinds slow but exceedingly fine.  If you ignore the media you see Trump has never done anything but stand in line for ridicule and disgrace. 

    Don't be too optimistic. Remember, a washed-up movie actor and a gang of thieves seized power a mere 4 years after Nixon should have gone to prison for life and we're still cleaning the shit off the walls that hit the fan then.

    Did you like that?  Click the link and see if it's worth a few bucks to have a bunch more. 

1 comment:

  1. Advice from 20 years war. What should we in the way of advice?

    Do you remember your Jr. High School history class in the 8th grade?

    Don't you remember the 100 Years War? Do you remember what it was, how it happened and why? Here's a brief reminder.

    The Hundred Years' War was a war involving a series of conflicts between the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of France, that took place during the Late Middle Ages, and lasted for a total of 116 years. In the days when our ancestors of the founders of America from Europe and Great Britain had principles.

    Was there a principle involved with the fight with the Taliban? Don't ask Donald J. Trump and his Republican Party. Much has changed since George W. Bush. Today we witness a Republican Party and it's President Donald J. Trump who has ABSOLUTELY NO PRINCIPLES! (Except a narracissistic, obnoxious and repugnant response.)

    Think of that. First Trump withdrawls from Syria and betrays our allies in that area, the Kurds while ensuring his friends, Ergodan and Putin are pleased with him. They are dictators to their respective countries.

    But what was Trump's deal with Afghanistan after his friend Putin was said to have put a bounty on American servicemen and women? Here's Donald J. Trump's deal with Afghanistan. Ready? Hold your nose.

    Does ANYBODY see a pattern of appeasing dictators here? Anybody? Kevin McCarthy? The majority of Republicans in the House? What about Republican Senators under Moscow Mitch McConnell? Anybody? Anybody?

    The DEMOCRATS DO! But Donald Trump tied the hands of America and offered up our surrender to a Taliban leader who has financed the 20 year Taliban war with money from clandestine Opium & Heroin farms in Afghanistan for years and years. This was the end. The final surrender to Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs. Guess what? IT LOOKS LIKE THANKS TO PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP, DRUGS WON!

    Now Donald J. Trump claims that the Presidential election of 2020, AND NONE OF THE OTHER ELECTIONS EXCEPT THE ONE THAT PUT HIM OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE WAS CROOKED.


    I have a meme that says, suicide in America has reached epidemic proportions. But I never thought I'd see the entire Republican Party commit mass suicide. I have three questions.

    1. How can YOU still support a traitor of a President who has sold out our country to fascist dictators?

    2. Are YOU anti-fascist now or are you a Trumpie. Do you understand yet?

    3. Will you say anything now, or are you still supporting the liar, traitor and ally of fascist dictators, Donald J. Trump?
