Friday, December 22, 2017

There Is This

    An awful lot has been said about the current first lady.  People across the political spectrum have shared their thoughts on Melania.  You do have to admit the circumstance is "unusual" to say the very least.
    Other than a veritable cottage industry growing up around the idea the woman hates Trump not much real comment has been spent on exploring what she really thinks.  She really doesn't have the opportunity for frank comment.  That's understandable.  On top of that her accent, fairly or unfairly, is a handicap to any communication she might impart.  However, if you factor out the obvious plagiarism and the  'Moose and Squirrel' aspect of her accent you have to assume there is an active mind there.  The grammar is perfect and the words all have the right number of syllables.  If you were trying to send some sort of message you certainly could do worse than plagiarizing Michelle Obama.  If you wanted to be subversive to current circumstances you could hardly do better than Michelle Obama.  It may be wrong to ascribe things to the failings of subordinates.
    Melania recently compared the White House to a South American prison. That's not too unusual or really noteworthy.  Bill Clinton once said the White House was the crown jewel of the federal prison system.  Who remembers that?  More telling,  she recently said she'd rather spend Christmas on a desert island.  I don't think she's happy but if you look at her photos over the years, both famous and not so famous, no one is gonna call her 'Smiley'.  Apparently, you can't get her to crack a smile with lots of jewels and a Gulf Stream.  Some women are just like that.
    So, the question becomes: Is the first lady being deliberately subversive or are these just off-hand, casual remarks,  maybe subtle jokes from an active mind?
    Consider this: The White House has been decorated like a scene from "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and the first lady came out in costume as Sally/ Shock from that movie.  You would have to believe the woman is completely culturally ignorant to not recognize that was,  not a cry for help but a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
    No matter what you think about that it certainly creates an interesting dynamic and probably led to some interesting private residence conversations.

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