Thursday, June 8, 2017

Coup d'etat

    I think we are witnessing a coup d'etat  carried out by the intelligence community and the media.  I also think it will be successful.  I don't know that to be a good thing or a bad thing but I do know things should be recognized for what they are.
    The leaks concerning the obvious and admitted collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians come from the intelligence agencies. The media doesn't just have the right to report these things they have that duty. The editorial shadings of that reporting are definitely hostile. There is obvious cooperation (collusion) between the media and their sources in the intelligence community. The question is: Is that tail wagging the dog?  Is the media anti-Trump zeal being fed by the intelligence community's animus?  No matter the motives, are they bad motives?  I think the people in the Intelligence Agencies think they are protecting our republic. Maybe they are. I think most in the media simply don't like Trump. No maybe about that.
    I think a case can be made that Trump is "unable to discharge the powers or perform the duties of his office."  That's from the 25th Amendment and I think that is the weapon that will be brandished to obtain Trump's resignation. This inability obviously is so or at least it can be demonstrated to be so. The question is: can that translate into an erosion of political support within the republican party?  I think as the mid terms draw nearer it most certainly can. I also think Trump shows both petulance and impatience. Those qualities in Nixon proved to be fatal but Nixon never had a hope of a majority in Congress.  I think it will be the prosecutions  drawing nearer that will seal the deal.  It seems pretty obvious Eric Trump and ultimately his brother-in-law will be indicted for collusion with the Russians and lying on disclosure forms. These are crimes they have admitted, even bragged they committed. Those prosecutions will pique Trump's impatience and petulance and his behavior will become more suspect and even more erratic.
    I dislike this kind of prediction about current affairs.  I've kept a private journal on politics for years.  Reading back thru it can be pretty embarrassing so we'll see what happens. This is just what I think.

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