Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dream a Little Dream

    I read an article a bit ago that pointed out mammals have to move their eyes when they sleep in order to oxygenate their eyeballs or they would go blind.  That means REM sleep is no more than an evolutionary defense mechanism.  Our rapid eye movement is a product of our dreams. Our dreams are not the product of the Gods communicating with us but a response to a biological need.  Isn't that disappointing?  After all the thought and significance our dreams have been given to find they are a meaningless device of natural selection?   Once again we find the Gods and their significance within ourselves in the mundane. It might be time to redefine "mundane." Or not.
    Aren't we capable of the most wonderful aspirations in the powers we attribute to our Gods? Omnipotence, omnipresence, immortality, unlimited mercy and forgiveness. Who among us can actually turn the other cheek in response to the smallest of slights and who among us doesn't know we should?  Mercy and forgiveness are the only attributes we can reasonably share with our gods and we can't even do that but we know we should.
    It has been said we are never so humble as when we approach our God.  I've noticed we never soar so high as when we create that God.  We are humbled when we confront our own aspirations. What would Jesus do?  We should know.  We created Him.  Perhaps we even dreamed Him.  Good for us.
    So, no dream book will give us the daily number.  No Id monster will stand up to the dawn.  With any luck our waking dreams won't make us blind.  ( If this weren't oooh sooo serious there'd be a great joke there.)  I like what our dreams produce solely from within ourselves.  Isn't that reassuring?  I approve of God?  Damned decent of me, I think.
    Obviously, that's not my meaning.  I'm constantly surprised by our ability and desire to embody the divine.  I don't believe our dreams are the "rub" as Hamlet has it. I believe our dreams are the opportunity.

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