Maybe, maybe not. I've often wondered if there was some power to collective will, collective prayer, collective thought. I've often wondered if there was some psychic energy we all share. Is our collective will the reason for our centuries long progress in the betterment of all of us? Does our collective attitude form the world's attitude in some psychic way?
I've noticed in my life that I seem to feel my, wife, my children, my parents, in my mind rather than see them. Sometimes that touch seems so much more intimate than mere physical touch. If you have the sense to concentrate that kinda thing can make sex pretty cool with a long term partner. It can also make composing a shopping list better than sex with a stranger. Sorry for the image but you get the idea. Do we actually influence others, the rest of the world, by being in that stream of collective consciousness? If so, it may be the source of the problem. We might be in trouble.
LSD works by breaching the barrier between the order of our consciousness and the roaring cacophony of thought in our subconscious. The Id monsters and bold insights just barely beneath the surface of our day to day thought. I've often thought the difference between genius and the mundane was the availability of an individual's subconscious to their conscious. I've often thought the ability to breach the facade of ego dictated genius and madness. As with everything else I've thought that's not original but I do think it might be true.
By the time we got to Woodstock we were half a million strong. For everyone who got to Woodstock there were 50 or a hundred, like myself who joined in spirit. They told two friends and they told two friends. We all did acid like so many Chicklets. Our kid's suspicions are true and it's even worse than they suspect. Think about those numbers and then think about the distribution system that implies. It was just another marketing opportunity like the Hula Hoop. I digress.
It seems to me that was just about the time our society began to move further and farther into irrationality. Obviously, I'm saying what we are looking at right now can only be summed up by the phrase, " We be trippin."
I do think it's possible we managed to psychically project the uncontrolled chaos of the effects of LSD on the society as a whole. Who knew? Sorry.
I could make a list of why I think this but all you really need to do is look around. Does this shit seem reasonable to you?
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