Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Dumbest Thing I Ever Said.

    I'm 65 years old.  I've been married twice.  I have four adult children.  You would think that after "I Do" and " Oh Just Knock It Off" or maybe,  "I really don't care what you think"   I would have covered all the dumb stuff I could possibly say but no,  I said this before I said any of those things.  I was an early bloomer. This was about the time I was saying, "Maybe we should do two."  "Here, let me drive."  "Three hours will be plenty of sleep."  And the always reliable, " Why not?"  Although, at that age three hours was plenty. To be honest, I don't remember actually having been asleep between the ages of 18  and 30.  I do remember "coming to" a few times but that's just not the same thing or at least it doesn't look like it now.
    In my own defense, there was that whole wife, baby, education and work thing goin on. Mix that in with sex, drugs and rock-n-roll how much time do you really have for sleep?  Maybe that's why I said so much dumb stuff; sleep deprivation. Yeah, yeah, dat's it !
    But before the whole wife, baby, education thing I did have a job. I was actually a Soda Jerk at Howard Johnson's on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.  Looking back, it was kind of an iconic thing although there was no way to know that at the time.  How would ya know?  On top of the cool, paper hat they did give me $1.15 an hour. There was no clue you were doing something iconic in that.  It was a long time ago.
    I was about to say, "I had two friends." Obviously, I had a lot of friends  but it got me to thinking I had two kinds of friends from the old days. One type of friend:  If I wrote his name, social security number and home address and told some story from the old days would give me a high-five. The other type: If I said something that would remotely identify the guy, he would have his lawyer give me the high-hard one. It's funny how that worked out.
    These two friends got to be those separate kinda guys though they were best friends at the time. I don't know what we were doing. Just hangin out some way.  Honest, only about a 10th of the stuff we did in those days was illegal.  Less than that was immoral although we have been made to look bad. We were hanging out.  We weren't playin jacks.  They told me they were going to Upstate New York for a concert and would I like to go along.
    " No, I have to work."  That's the dumbest thing I ever said and I said it in ,1969.

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